During the period between January 12 and January 28, 2006, there were at total of 37 members in Cambodia for various periods of time. The team received great support from Pastor Lee Setan of Kampuchea for Christ (KFC), Governor Touch Marin of Kampong Chhnang Province, Dr. Tek Saroeun of the regional health department in Kampong Chhnang Province, Dr. Oum Sophal of the Phnom Penh Medical School, Dr. Chap Modich of the CSI Clinic in Phnom Penh, Dr. Yos Phanita of the Khmer Soviet Friendship Hospital, Dr. Oum Phalyka in the Ministry of Health, Dr. Sim Sokchan of the Phnom Penh surgical residency program, and Dr. Heng Tay Kry the co-director of the Phnom Penh Heart Institute.
The initial group were 2 architects and a land surveyor who were in country from January 12 – 19 to survey and begin site planning on a 20 hector piece of land in Kampong Chhnang Province which had been purchased in 2005 by Pastor Lee Setan of KFC to develop into a Christian community to include a Bible college, a Christian elementary school, a Christian medical clinic/hospital, and staff housing. The process of doing site planning and architectural drawings for the buildings will continue in the USA with plans to start construction of the Bible college in late 2006. Construction of the elemenatary school and medical complex depends on availability of appropriate staff.
The medical component began arriving on January 15 with the largest group arriving on January 18. This included 11 physicians, 12 nurses, and 4 support staff from the USA and 1 physician and 6 paramedical personnel from Korea.
Our largest presence was at the CSI Clinic on the grounds of the Preah Ket Mealea Hospital. Over a 9 day period approximately 60 consults were seen, 24 major operative procedures were preformed with our nurses doing the pre and post-operative care, and approximately $25,000 US of medical equipment left for later use. We continue to work with the staff of the CSI Clinic to help them further their mission.
We developed a new relationship with the Khmer Soviet Friendship Hospital through Dr. Yos Phanita. Approximately 20 consults were seen there, including an emergency case of a young man with a gunshot wound to the chest as well as right femur, 4 operative procedures were assisted in, and $30,000 US of surgical equipment left for later use by the staff of that hospital.
A team of 9 physicans and 6 nurses visited and evaluated the regional hospital in Kampong Chhnang Province over a 3 day period. 15 inpatient consults were seen and 5 operative procedures performed in that hospital. $80,000 US of medical equipment and supplies and medication were left with the staff for later use. A house call was made on the deputy governor of the province as he is suffering the effects of a recent stroke; his medication was adjusted. In addition a 2 day outreach clinic was held for the people of Kampong Chhnang province on the 20 hector property previously mention and over 300 people were seen and treated by our Korean team. 600 bags of rice were purchased and distributed by that team.
Medical education is a large focus for CMMCJH. Through a developing relationship with Dr. Oum Sophal, the Rector of the Phnom Penh Medical School, and Dr. Ka Sunbaunat, dean of the medical school, we were able to lecture to medical students from 0800 – 1200 and then 1330 to 1700 on Saturday, January 21; simultaneous lectures were given in 3 lecture halls by our staff of 12. We also used medical students as translators in our day to day activities, allowing us to do a lot of one-on one teaching as consults were seen. We are seeking other avenues of education, like bringing Cambodian students to the USA for short periods of exposure to first world medicine.
A new relationship was developed with the Phnom Penh Cardiac Institute on the grounds of Calmett Hospital through the efforts of Dr. Heng Tay Kry. A contract for the co-directors of the CMMCJH project, Dr. Mark Sheehan an invasive cardiologist and Dr. Daniel Smith a cardiothoracic surgeon, to bring teams and equipment in January of 2007 and support the center with consultation and surgery was signed. A Sarns 7000 cardiopulmonary bypass machine and a Cobe cell saver were donated to the center during this visit. Plans are being developed to bring more disposable supplies to aid the cardiac center in keeping the cost down for the poor. $8,000 US was given to the center to cover the cost of operative procedures for 4 patients from the CSI Clinic which Drs. Sheehan and Smith had identified as needing urgent surgery.
Our Korean team, led by Dr. Nam Han Cho, Professor of Epidemiology at Ajou University in Sueon, South Korea, held 4 days of outreach clinics for the poor; this included 2 days in Kampong Chhnang Province with 300 people seen, 1 day in Sambok Chab with 200 people seen, and 1 day in Stung Mean Chey with 110 people seen. Medications and compassion were distributed at each of these clinics. A total of 13 tons of rice were also distributed during those 4 days.
We had a meeting with the Ministry of Health, arranged by Dr. Oum Phalyka. We do have a signed Memorandum of Understanding with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and met with them to update our activities during this trip. However, we have been unable to finalize a similar agreement with the Ministry of Health, but obtained new guidelines during this visit and hope to put closure to this process within the next year. New documents have been submitted.
With the assistance of Dr. Yos Phanita and his wife, Lork Kheng, an audience with his excellency Chea Sim was had on January 18 th. His excellency was brought up to date on the activities of CMMCJH and was supportive.
During the next 11 months CMMCJH will continue to correspond with the people with whom we have developed relationships in the past; we are planning our next medical team trip for January of 2007. At that time we hope to bring an even larger team and expand our scope on influence, teaching, and caring for the poor. In the interim we will continue to develop long range plans and raise money to support our mission.